What is New and Digital Media?
- The internet - MSN, Email, Social Networking sites, Websites
- Gaming - Wii, Playstation, X-box
- New Media Technologies - Smart Phones, Sky+, Netflix, iPads
How has the News been impacted by New and Digital Media?
Originally, news was received through word of mouth.
17th Century to early 20th Century - Newspapers.
1920's radio news, joined by TV in 1930's.
How the 'News' is impacted by New and Digital Media |
News Institutions
UK Newspapers ranked by Readership, 2013 statistics
This evidence shows that the most consumed Newspaper, on both print and emedia platforms, is 'The Sun' with a combined total of 13, 476. Followed by the 'Daily Mail', with a 11, 970. Interestingly, the consumption of 'The Guardian' and 'The Daily Mail', across the emedia platform, is greater than 'The Sun's, possible due to those audience groups being more e-literate and interested in the content.
BBC News
The British Broadcasting Corporation is the public-service broadcaster of the United Kingdom and was founded on October 18th, 1922. BBC News is a subsidiarity and was founded a month later. The News provider has utilised the e-media platform through their website and validated Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts.
- The website provides opportunities to watch and listen live, as well as catching up missed news stories.
- Specifically, the news provider clearly reaches out to a cross section of the public through the different coverages comprising the second horizontal tool bar - Education, Entertainment and Arts to Health and Politics.
- Audiences are able to add User Generated content through commenting and responding to news.
- BBC news is accessible on both new and traditional media, maintaining the younger and maturer generation - on mobiles and televisions.
- BBC news is an application on Apple for iPads and iPhones.
- However, this news provider is not provided in the print format.
- The BBC additionally provide BBC4 which is a constant talk station, discussing issues in the news that effect the UK and global concerns.
The Sun
The Sun is a British daily tabloid newspaper published in the United Kingdom and Ireland in 1954. It is the most popular newspaper with an outstanding 7,772,000 readers. The newspaper has recently joined multi-platforms, including a website and application for smart phones.
- The Sun's application allows audiences to access news coverages in both pictures and video.
- The Sun has a whopping 225,000 digital subscribers.
- The Sun's dominant audience group would C-D demographic between the 25-55 age gap, yet this may broaden towards the younger groups through the uprising of the application for smart phones.
The Daily Mail is a middle market tabloid newspaper which was founded in 1806 and is the second most read newspaper in the UK. The content is also accessible on the application, which is hugely popular, alongside the website and Twitter feed.
- The Daily Mail's twitter account constantly releases stories and articles which are posted on the website, allowing audiences to access their interest's quicker.
- Audiences are too, presented with exclusive pictures which they may not be presented with in the Newspaper articles.
- The twitter application allows audiences to 'tweet' back in response to the different articles - interactivity to engage and maintain audiences.
The Guardian
The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper, founded in 1821 and is sisters to the 'Observer'. The Guardian in print had an average daily circulation of 189,000 copies, just behind the Daily Telegraph and The Times, but ahead of The Independent. However, it's online edition is the fifth most wifely read in the world (October 2014), with over 42.9 million readers. The Guardian additionally has an application, twitter site and website.
- The Guardian's website provides the accurate headlines specific to ones area, in regards to the weather.
- There is the opportunity for people to subscribe and become a member, allowing them to comment on articles and have instantaneous updates.
Sky UK Limited, formerly knows as British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB), is a telecommunications company serving for the UK. Sky provides television and broadband internet sevices and fixed line telephone services to consumers and businesses. It is the UK's largest pay-TV broadcaster with 11 million customers as of 2015. Sky offers channels ranging from films, documentary and news.
- The website specifically allows audiences to 'Watch Live', alongside, select the genre of information they wish to consumer - 'politics' or 'entertainment'.
- As well as providing the application and website for audiences to gather news, Sky also have a 24 hour news programme, covering all relevant global information.
The impact of Google
1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?
'Google' has arguably led to the decline of the newspaper industry as it's informative nature, "just a click of a button", allows users to research a wide cross section of topics. Thereby, detracting from their need to look in newspapers and read up about events, which is more time consuming.
2) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
I think that ultimately each platform of media has it's time to shine and inform audiences, beginning with cinemas, to newspapers and then the internet stumbled along after. And arguably, it is now the internet's time to take the lead and inform audiences as newspapers once did. 'Google' is simply a tool to convey news and inform a huge amount of people in a speedy and accurate way. The brand has gathered and built a sense of validity associated with the internet service, over the years and therefore, rightly deserves to embrace the status of a new informative source. In particular, as the 21st century generation is becoming more savvy in relation to new technologies, this e-media platform is well suited to this day and age. To answer the question, I believe that 'time' is solely to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs, as with time, comes change and the change in this current time, is new and digital media.
3) Read the comments below the article. Pick one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and justify your opinions in detail.

I agreed with all of the statements left on the article post, but I particularly agreed with this one. When you think of the 'internet', it has been nourished into our heads that 'Google' is the place to be. This may not be the most accurate statement to make, however, when the internet came into place, the development of 'Google' did too, therefore one would immediately associate the two with being one. In relation to the comment left by 'Jane', you can't single out 'Google', as it's not 'Google's' fault that they developed as a company during the time in which the internet began to evolve. The founders deserve credit as there innovative idea to evolve in the time that the internet was, was wise and therefore, helped the conglomerate become so noteworthy.