Friday 2 October 2015

NDM Baseline assessment - learner response

"Developments in 'New/Digital' Media mean that audiences can now have access to a greater variety of views and values. To what extent are audiences empowered by these developments?" 
  • The best thing about this essay is the strong critical autonomy running through it - real passion and opinion on current media issues.
  • What you are lacking is clear focus on the don't relate enough to the points back in the idea of audience empowerment (or dis-empowerment) 
  • Using the film industry here was a good idea but Ill Manors worked far better for this question that 'A field in England'.
  • I'd really like you to develop the idea of an illusion of empowerment while institutions continue to hold the real power... you hinted at this focus on Apple... more of this please. 
  • Go back to a couple of your paragraphs and type them up with this feedback, re-writing to focus more on the question. 
Feedback Response: 

Personal EBIs:
  • When using an institution as an example, specify relevant info (founders, what it is etc.) 
  • Audience groups associated with institutions
  • Apply theories 
  • Answer the question "audiences empowered".
New and Digital media has arguably revolutionised our social climate as it allows audiences to take charge and access a broader scale of information, whilst virally publicising their own thoughts too. However, does this mean that audiences embody a sense of empowerment as they are able to take on these roles? Or, is 'New and Digital' media a more savvy way for government bodies and conglomerates to keep tabs on what audiences are consuming and publicising. 

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company which has dominated the commercial sales during the rise of 'New and Digital' media. The brand is specifically aimed at the mainstreamer psychographic and A-C demographic of 15-45 year olds. The companies strategic method of "releasing a new apple every fall (autumn)", leads audiences awaiting for the new technological device that will "change their life". For instance, in 2010, 'Siri' - a personal assistant created by Apple as part of each device - tablet or iPhone to help the consumer with basic information. This is a perfect example of dis-empowerment amongst audiences as they are relying on a technological device to complete all research fast and quick at the click on a button. In addition to this, the development is almost highlighting how lazy audiences are as they are dependent on a technological assistant to inform and insight their needs. 

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